Black Joy Parade
Esther Goolsby for District 4
Photography and Holding Space with BlackFemaleProject @ the Black Joy Parade in Oakland, California (2020) — shot on the iPhone 7+
Photography for Esther Goolsby’s campaign events, Alameda County Board of Supervisors to represent District 4 in California. — Oakland California — shot on Canon Rebel Ti 50mm lens
Photographer for the BlackFemaleProject and Black Teacher Project 5th Annual Conversation at the National Equity Project — Black Women in Leadership (Spring 2020) — Shot on the Canon Rebel Ti — 50mm lens
Visual Literacy PhotoGraphy Course
Photography 30A Art and Design and Photography 71 Introduction to Digital Photography — Laney College
African American Studies with an emphasis in Film and Television — University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) — 2011
Motion Pictures and Television Master’s Program concentration Film Editing — Academy of Art University, San Francisco, (12 units completed)
Self-image vs. the Carceral Image — with Visual Literacy & GirlFly (Summer 2020) — The course is a sounding board for young voices (14-18yrs). We comment on but do not fall prey to how mass-incarceration impacts young girls self image. Girls have the power to assert how they present themselves through the medium of photography. Topics: school to prison pipeline, elements of photography, self-portraits.Curriculum & Instruction: Jasmine Brown & Jo Kreiter— Guest Speakers & Photographers: Brooke Anderson, Alana Hillman and April Martin