I participated in a healing circle a few weeks ago and we were asked to write about what we do to heal. I wrote yoni steam. This generated a series of questions and urban legends. I figured I would try my hand at a listicle for this post. Please note as of July 2018 I am not a physician, I am a woman and this is my testimonial. A testimonial comprised of personal research and experience.
1. My Testimonial
I’d like to begin with my yoni not being the happiest of places historically. Every month I feel as though it works against me. I have come to understand that my body is not the enemy but rather the messenger. If I listen close enough I am certain that it will tell me what is needed. I recognize yoni steaming as the first step in mending a fence within my spirit. I have an intense desire to be more in tune with my sacral and root chakras through the practice of steaming. I steam to reduce the anxiety and pain associated with menstruation.
For the past two decades I have been plagued with just the idea of my cycle, because it has always gone something like a combination of: fatigue, back pain, blunt pain in my abdomen, hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, headaches, knee pain, constipation, diarrhea, lack of appetite, an increase in appetite for all the wrong foods, erratic emotions, supersonic hearing, sensitivity to light, tender breasts, etc. All of the said complications can occur up to a week before the first day of my actual period. Let’s not get into the recovery time needed after the period ends.
I’ve frustrated a lot of people with canceled plans, fighting words, and just an overall shift in personality. If I am honest I’ve lived in fear of my own form. Everyone has their theory about how you should deal with your cycle. You really have to find a combination of miracle fixes. I am here to offer processes that work for me. What I found after steaming is that I feel more in touch, relaxed yet powerful, an increase in energy, higher frequency in attitude, periods that are shorter [3-5 days rather than 5-7], and although not totally free of discomfort, definitely more manageable. I try to steam before my period, after my period, and whenever I feel I need emotional readjustment. I manage the leftover issues with diet, exercise [includes 1. twerkin' 2. yoga and in that order lol], o and cannabis.
Let’s get into what you need to know about yoni steaming.
2. What is Yoni Steaming?
Yoni steaming in everyday English involves a woman sitting/ squatting over a bowl of herbs and allowing the steam from the herbs to permeate the yoni. The term yoni is the sanskrit [Indian] word for vagina. The process is also known as Chai-yok for the Asian/Korean fam, and Bajos for the South American/Mayan/Latinx crew. There are women of the African Diaspora that also practice this practice. I will have to continue to search for their names for it, but wanted to honor and include them, thank you.
3. Who invented the process of Yoni Steaming?
The internet offers inconclusive results regarding the genesis of the process, the concept has been tied to women the world over.
4. Why do women steam their yoni(s)?
The reason for the process varies and it goes much deeper for many than providing added pleasure for a partner. I also believe yoni steaming is very different from a vaginal facial or vajacial which focuses on the outer labia and mons pubis [the part that makes that cat look furry and fat gurl :) ]. Women steam to : alleviate stress, period pain, fatigue, reduce fibroids, reduce ovarian cyst, rid the body of toxins, fertility treatment, emotional hygiene, meditation, etc.
5. When can the yoni be steamed?
Whenever you so choose with the exception of the following conditions: when you are on your period [actively bleeding], have an infection, are pregnant or very recently gave birth. If you have a special case please research whether yoni steaming is right for you. You can steam as much as you want although I would not suggest you steam everyday.
6. Where can you get the yoni steamed?
I personally prefer to do so at home because I think the nap or bedtime immediately after is a crucial part of the process. You can also get your yoni steamed at a spa dedicated to or offering the process. Not tryna take away any business but you can google yoni steam seat/spa and hodgepodge a bunch of stuff to create your own. You’ll see what I cobbled together at the end of this post.
7. What do you need to steam your yoni at home?
A. Herbs
You will need to choose the herbs that are most suitable for what you are trying to achieve. The herbs have different healing properties. I drank many of the herbs I have listed below before steaming with them and felt they would be safe. I am a person with very sensitive skin, a sensitive stomach, and emotional sensitivities. If you notice any irritation discontinue the process with that particular combination of herbs. Whatever you do only use food grade dried herbs, NEVER use essential oils you will burn yourself. The internet offers pre packaged yoni steam blends. I have tried pre-blended herbs, I have not found a premixed blend I like therefore, I buy the herbs individually from an apothecary, herb shop, and or online.
I use the following herbs for their benefits, please add an etc. at the end of each description.
Calendula: calms muscle spasms, anti-inflammatory
Damania: treats: nausea, constipation, hormonal balance, increased blood flow, antidepressant
Lavender: reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, pleasant aroma
Rose: because it makes the whole thing pretty and luxurious, detoxification, relaxation
Sage: [tiny bit] just because it holds such special significance in the spiritual realm, detox
Mugwort: uterine health, eases cramps, astringent qualities, hormonal balance [before period]
You can research pre made blends and their herbal composition to get an idea of the combination you would like to use to reap the benefits you need. In total you only need approximately 1 cup of herbs. I like to talk to myself as I choose the herbs and set intentions as I place them into the bowl.
B. Water: about 8 cups of boiling water to one cup of herbs.
C. Pot: to boil water in to place over the herbs or to boil the herbs [I personally add the hot water to the dry herbs and sit over it, some people place the herbs in the pot to boil for 20 minutes, I’ve done that with a pre made blend and I thought it was too strong, I was a bit irritated afterward] please try it out both ways and let me know what works best for you.
D. Glass Bowl or Metal Pot: this is where you will place the herbs and hot water to steam [please use a special bowl or pot reserved only for this process] the container should be either glass or metal because plastic can warp/emit chemicals.
E. Shower: you should bathe your body before steaming for a clean slate/ clean area
F. Fuzzy socks: a personal favorite, you need to keep warm during the process and afterward for at least an hour
G. Two blankets: one to wrap around your bottom half to trap steam, and another to wrap around your top half, you want to make sure that there isn’t a draft during this process
H. Seat/ modified chair/stool: you’ll need something that you can sit or perch over without fear of falling into the hot pot or bowl of herbs. I’ve seen so many variations from wooden chairs with a hole in the seat, lawn chairs, specially carved wooden benches, and buckets with a seat akin to a toilet seat on top. I’ve adapted my squatty potty [disinfected of course] to double as a seat, I simply place a towel around the edges and sit over the bowl of herbs. Some women squat over the bowl. You need to be comfortable and safe for 20 - 30 minutes.
I. Towel: to dry off
J. Bed: you should rest immediately after the steam for at least an hour. I like to steam before bed so that I get a more restful nights sleep.
K. Optional: candles, ambient playlist, phone on do not disturb, mood lighting, a journal, meditation soundtrack, clean space.