Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

July 15, 2019

Angelica and I connected in Paris. On her way back to Germany through Paris she met Hayat who is an artist from Morocco, visiting Oakland and living in Holland. The way our lives came to intersect is nothing short of amazing. So much common ground that it was a pleasure to stand in the same place in Paris. Just some women from all parts of the African Diaspora traveling the world over in search of opportunities to be creative. We are all interested in story telling, social issues, the earth, producing art and traveling the world around.


Under Construction? Or it just look like that?

The Eiffel Tower appears to be under some frorm of either maintenance or crowd control. It was lit so beautifully against the partial night sky. I must add Paris is like Alaska it stays light all day in the summertime. The sky is never really jet black more like a really dark blue.

It feels like every major city including in the Bay is under a large amount of construction for development, population control, and maintenance reasons. I believe Karen mentioned that France may be trying to preserve what they have in the wake of terrorist threats. Either way I think that the wall although, it included clear partitions and the barricades ruined the nostalgia and romance for me. I thought we would be able to at least go under without interference. It could have also been our lack of desire to really try hard to see what was free and what we had to queue or pay for. The vibe was just mad different. All these years and all this television really does a lot to the brain. Beautiful edifice or whatever it is but I got more gassed about the architectural boat tour in Chicago than I did for this global moniker for romance. 


That’s all I really got to say about that (forest gump voice).

Love y’all. 🦋 We just out here knowing and growing. Still blogging with my thumbs.